Monday, August 23, 2010

Maggie Kay

Here are some recent pictures of the little girl I watch, Maggie. She is going to be 8 months old next week. She is at such a fun age, talking giberish all the time, crawling, and she loves to play, preferably with things that aren't baby toys. She is a great baby and I've loved keeping her.

New Haircut

Well, I did it. I went and got my hair cut off. I was getting to lazy with my "long" hair and just putting it up in a ponytail everyday. And Ponytails really aren't a great look for me. This was the closest thing to a before picture I could find. It was probably from taken a month or more ago and my hair looked much longer when straightened.

And this is after! The day I got it cut. See how happy I am? I love having short hair, and lets be honest, its much more flattering to my .....chubby face.
Here are some more pics that Nick took of me to send to my sister, who now also has short hair. Check out her blog tonight to see pictures of her new haircut.