Thursday, May 14, 2009

new and improved

I'm going to show you some pictures of our newly decorated living room, I have no before pictures so instead try to imagine this in your head......" ugly icky carpet ( I never saw it but was told it was horrible) wood paneling that was unpainted and all the trim a gross brownish color. Oh and no furniture.If you can imagine that it will really make you appreciate this alot more.

A total makeover. Walls are paintied a minty green, all the trim and window seat was painted white, the icky carpet got tore up to reveal beautiful hard wood floors that Nick sanded and stained himself and all the furniture except the red chair is new. And I LOVE it. Once I get my new blue dining room cleaned up I'll show pictures of that.

But thats not the only thing thats new and improved. Nick and I got new phones that are deffinetely an upgrade from our old ones.

I'm lovin it!

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Oh baby, baby

Ok well, I guess I have no idea how to lay pictures out the right way, but what we have here is baby girl clothes for my neice Emery, who is yet to be born. I picked them all up at yard sales, the total cost of all the clothes was under $15.oo and consists of.....
9 sleeper outfits
11 outfit sets
8 onezie shirts
8 cotten pants ( which she can mix and matct with the shirts)
1 pair of blue jeans
I would say not bad! She will be the most stylin baby thanks to her Aunt Lindsey, to bad her Aunt Lindsey will never get to see her :(
Here are some pics of some of my favorite outfits :)

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Cardinals and Crazy

Here are some fun pictures of Nick and I at the Cardinals second game of the season. They won and we had really awesome seats, all in all it was a great time. I actually like baseball when I don't have to watch/hear about it every single day..... :) But thats a different story. lol

Today was good, I had the whole day off and Nick had come home from work early this morning so he woke up around two and spent the rest of the day with.... ME! :) I had to run to the store to get a prescription so Nick said " Why don't you pick up some steaks and we will grill for dinner" or something like that. So I'm at the store and good news they have aton of steaks 25% off. Bad news, I've never bought steaks in my life and it takes Nick 15mins to explane to me over the phone what to get. Then after another 10mins and another phone call I finally figure out what lighter fluid looks like and head home with steaks, lighter fluid, potatoes, squash and a watermelon! And then I get home and realize I forgot the perscription. Bummer. And there you have it folks, I'm go crazy.

Monday, April 20, 2009


Here is a picture of my hubby ontop of our new Tv armiore. We got this and alot of other furniture this weekend. Our house is starting to look like a real home. More pictures to come soon!

Monday, March 30, 2009

As you may know...

I'm a wife now. I loved being a bride, but I'm glad to be done with the stress of the wedding and now I get to settle down into my new home.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Story of my life

1. Put your iTunes on shuffle.2. For each question, press the next button to get your answer.3. YOU MUST WRITE THAT SONG NAME DOWN NO MATTER HOW SILLY IT SOUNDS!4. Tag 10 friends who might enjoy doing the memo as well as the person you got the memo from.



WHAT DO YOU LIKE IN A GUY/GIRL?"Thank You for Hearing Me" David Crowder (Well, I do like to be heard)

HOW DO YOU FEEL TODAY?"Bounce" Thousand Foot Krutch

IS YOUR LIFE'S PURPOSE?"So, Bright" Superchick

WHAT IS YOUR MOTTO?"Treasure of Jesus" Steven Curtis Chapman

WHAT DO YOUR FRIENDS THINK OF YOU?"Anthem for American Teenager" Jon McLaughlin

WHAT DO YOU THINK ABOUT VERY OFTEN?"Fever" Michael Buble (well I am about to get married)

WHAT IS 2+2?"For my Love" Bethany Dillon

WHAT DO YOU THINK OF YOUR BEST FRIEND?"Before the Throne of God Above" Selah

WHAT DO YOU THINK OF THE PERSON YOU LIKE?"Better Luck Next Time" Lifehouse...(Hmm more like better luck this time)

WHAT IS YOUR LIFE STORY?"I Want the World to Know" Twila Paris ( Good one!)

WHAT DO YOU WANT TO BE WHEN YOU GROW UP?"Down In Flames" Relient K.......interesting.



WHAT WILL YOU DANCE TO AT YOUR WEDDING?"Last Day On Earth" Steven Curtis Chapman ( But we actually arn't dancing to that)


WHAT IS YOUR HOBBY/INTEREST?"Tell Me" Bethany Dillon ( I don't know, YOU tell me!)

WHAT IS YOUR BIGGEST SECRET?"Thats your love for me" Lyndsay Taylor

WHAT DO YOU THINK OF YOUR FRIENDS?"Back Home" Yellowcard (true, most of my friends are back home)


HOW WILL YOU DIE?"Just How Precious" Greater Vision ( I guess Jesus is coming back)

WHAT IS THE ONE THING YOU REGRET?"Complicated" Avril Lavigne ( so complicated I don't know what it is)

WHAT MAKES YOU LAUGH?"Starting to Sink" Forever Changed ( it's just the darnest thing when people start to sink)

WHAT MAKES YOU CRY?"Sarah Jane" Out of is a sad song

WILL YOU EVER GET MARRIED?"We Insist" Zoe Keating ( in 2 1/2 weeks)

WHAT SCARES YOU THE MOST?"Just One More Soul" Greater Vision

DOES ANYONE LIKE YOU?"Praise You" Out of Eden

IF YOU COULD GO BACK IN TIME, WHAT WOULD YOU CHANGE?" The Purest Place" Watermark (I promise I'm still pure!)

WHAT HURTS RIGHT NOW?"Step To Me" Thousand Foot Krutch

One day soon I'm post something real. Especially if my soon to be Hubby gets me a camera :D

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Ten Again

10 Random thoughts rolling around in my head.......this should be interesting

1.) I'm glad benjamin is sleeping

2.) I wish I could see Nick, and I wish I wasn't so mean to him

3.)I can't believe all the food I've eaten today

4.) I guess I really need to work out.

5.) I probably won't actually work out

6.)I'm excited about my wedding shower on Saturday

7.) Becka didn't mention me in her 10 things she will miss when she moves blog... :/

8.) I'm nervous about serving my second banquet tomorrow.

9.) I REALLY want to find out what happend on the bachelor

10.) Maybe I will run on the treadmill and watch the bachelor when I get home

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

I guess I'll join the team

10 days of 10 random subjects its floating around here so I thought I would join in. Mostly because I too would like to complain. So, here are my 10 complaints.

1.) I spent over three hours in 7 different stores looking for a simple full-body bra to go under my wedding dress.

2.) Only one store had what I was looking for, for under $80.00.

3.) Wouldn't you know they didn't have it in my size, no worries I will just go home and order online.

4.)Out of stock online.

5.) Now I have to go to another mall 45mins away to get a bra.

6.) I'm getting fat and out of shape, hence the need for a full body bra

7.)When I get married I have to stay in a big hour all by myslef 5 nights a week.

8.)Nick beat me in Yahtzee tonight, I hate loosing

9.)I have way too much stuff to get done in the next 4 weeks.

10.) I have to wake up in 6 hours to go to work.

I could keep going on but I don't want to sound like a complainer. I actually have alot to be thankful for, I've just had a crappy day. Maybe I'll write a thankfull list some other day.........maybe.